Become a Member of the Pennsylvania German Folklore Society of Ontario
PGFSO provides many opportunities to learn about the people, stories and events that built central and southwestern Ontario. Whether you choose to join the Society or not, participating in events with members brings many rewards.
Membership Information –
You will be entitled to a number of benefits including:
* A free issue of the Society’s yearly Newsletter containing up-to-date province-wide heritage news.
* Invitations to special Society events.
* Volunteer opportunities: in research, holding office, assisting with the Newsletter, helping with displays at heritage events, and helping with special local projects.
Become a PGFSO member, and see what happens next!
Membership Fee per address: $ 20.00
Cheques are payable to: PGFSO
We accept e-Transfer also. Contact us for more details.
At your first opportunity, you are invited to attend an activity or to visit with a member of the organization whom you know.
You may pay your Membership while at an event.
eMail or Mail in Application
Hi-light the Membership Application below :
Copy & Paste it into an e-Mail document to :
You can also print it off, complete it and Mail to:
80 Winlane Dr. Stouffville, ON. L4A 1V3
Pennsylvania German Folklore Society of Ontario
80 Winlane Dr. Stouffville, ON. L4A 1V3
2023 Membership
Name: ________________________________________________________________
E-mail Address____________________________________________
PG Ancestor Family Name_____________________________________
I would like to receive the Newsletter: Via e-mail_____ Via Post______ Both_____
Membership per address – $20
Donation to support further research $_________
Cheques payable to “Pennsylvania German Folklore Society of Ontario” or “PGFSO”